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May 15, 2024

Digital Directors Network Selects X-Analytics to Deliver Advanced Cyber Risk Insights in the Boardroom

Press release can be located here.

The release reads:

Secure Systems Innovation Corporation (SSIC), a cyber risk analytics firm whose mission is to improve how businesses manage financial exposure to cyber risk through the power of data analytics, today announced that Digital Director’s Network (DDN) has selected X-Analytics to power its new Cyber Impact Analytics (CYIA) service addressing the need for corporate directors to understand the business-financial impacts of cyber risk as part of each Board’s overarching governance activities.

Digital Directors Network is the only executive network focused exclusively on systemic risk and digital and cybersecurity risk oversight in the corporate boardroom.

The new CYIA service provides deep insights corporate Boards need to effectively govern cyber risk including:

  1. Understanding cyber threats and their projected economic impacts in financial terms,
  2. Having visibility into the cyber-related self-insured exposure of the organization, and
  3. Optimizing cyber risk mitigation and transfer strategies tuned specifically to the organization’s cyber threat and economic situation.

Leveraging the power of X-Analytics, the premier cyber risk decisioning application used within the cyber insurance industry and Fortune 500 companies to effectively manage financial exposure to cyber risk, the DDN service will advise boards on the relationship of cyber risk to overall business economic impact. Additionally, DDN will also be adding a CYIA Masterclass to their market leading curriculum on digital and cybersecurity risk oversight for technology executives and corporate directors. Learn more about Digital Directors Network here.

“Corporate boards need to understand the business impact of cyber risks, as they are largely self-insured for cyber exposures. Boards need more than just cyber threat and security metrics; they need to know the potential financial impact as a result of cyber risk,” said DDN Founder and CEO Bob Zukis. “Using financial analytics to convert a highly technical conversation into a business conversation delivers the relevant business context required for effective Board oversight of this complex and dynamic risk area,” he added. Zukis is also a USC Marshall School of Business Professor where he teaches corporate governance and strategic management.

“DDN has established a leadership position delivering effective board level education and governance advisory services on the complex issues involved with the oversight of systemic cyber risk,” said Kevin Richards, President, Cyber Risk Solutions at SSIC, the innovators behind X-Analytics. “Companies can now reduce their uncertainty around these issues and fully implement a comprehensive risk management strategy and plan that is unique to the risks their organization face.”

About X-Analytics

X-Analytics the leading cyber risk resiliency platform developed by Secure Systems Innovation Corporation (SSIC) – a cyber risk analytics firm whose mission is to ensure a cyber resilient future. X-Analytics delivers business intelligence unlocking cyber risk strategies most effective to optimize successful business outcomes. X-Analytics is transforming how executives, the boardroom community and the cyber insurance industry effectively manage exposure to cyber risk. For more information, visit the X-Analytics website.

About Digital Directors Network (DDN)

Digital Directors Network (DDN) is the only executive network focused exclusively on systemic risk and digital and cybersecurity risk oversight in the corporate boardroom. DDN QTE’s are certified to DDN's DiRECTOR™ framework that helps leading companies and their directors govern systemic risk in their complex digital business systems. DDN's members are innovative corporations, directors, CEOs, CIOs, CISOs, and other executives working to advance the practice and profession of digital and cybersecurity risk oversight. To learn more about DDN, please visit www.digitaldirectors.network and follow DDN on LinkedIn.


Press contact: [email protected]

See X-Analytics in Action
With X-Analytics you’ll be set up fast and the intuitive interface ensures you get immediate business clarity on the effectiveness of your cyber risk strategy.

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